How will the increase in dues be factored into the 2025 budget?
Delivery demands of increased applications, enforcement of reserved practice and ongoing compliance with government statutes require significant resources from both volunteers’ and staff’s workloads and increased financial pressures.
The College has identified that it will need to increase capacity by two full-time equivalencies (FTEs) in 2025 and possibly and possibly additional FTEs in 2026 and 2027. These costs are contemplated in the College’s three-year financial plan covering 2025-7.
These increases in resources will allow the organization to manage workloads at a reasonable level, support existing and future committees and Task Forces, and increase professional supports as mandated by the PGA for registrants such as practice guidance, continuing professional development and policy directives.
The 2025 budget will be finalized and posted in early 2025.
NB: To the College’s knowledge, all regulatory bodies under the PGA have increased staffing levels over the past two years to fulfill their obligations.