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College of Applied Biologists Committee & Task Force Openings

A great way to earn Continuing Professional Development Points: Service to the College can be used towards CPD points requirements, depending on the task force or committee.

For a listing of terms of reference and positions profiles for College working bodies, please review the College Board, Statutory Committees, and Current Working Bodies document library.

The Professional Governance Act has specific requirements for “statutory committees.” That is, the five committees that allow the College to meet its mandate to protect the public interest under the PGA. These five committees are:

  1. Credentials Committee
  2. Audit and Practice Review Committee
  3. Investigation Committee
  4. Discipline Committee
  5. Nominations Committee

In order to deliberate on other elements of the PGA, the College may constitute task forces. These working bodies have a specific task in their mandates and a stated deadline by which time the task should be completed. The College also has several Working Groups, such as the Editorial Board, which perform regular tasks over the course of the year.

As part of Goal 5: Foster A Healthy And Respectful Organization under the College’s Strategic Plan 2022-2024, the College is committed to the following principles:
5.1. Reflect diverse professional and cultural backgrounds, perspectives, and designation levels in council and committee membership
5.2. Ensure council, committee members and staff are qualified, trained and fulfilled in their roles
5.3. Provide resources to support effective and sustainable delivery of the College’s mandate

The College’s Strategic Plan 2022-2024

Because the College is committed to bringing diverse backgrounds and expertise to College activities, we invite all registrants to consider applying for open volunteer positions. Please review the positions available below along with their respective terms of reference.

To apply, please fill out the volunteer application webform below. If you are applying for a chair position, please note that applicants for chairs of the statutory committees listed above must be qualified by the Nominations Committee using the same merit-based process as nominees for the College Board.

Available Positions

  • There are currently no volunteer opportunities available. You may still submit a volunteer application identifying any committees or working groups that interest you and College staff will contact you if any positions open.

College Volunteer Application

To apply for a volunteer opening, fill out the form below and a representative from the College will contact you:

Prospective College Volunteer Applicant Form


0 of 200 max words
0 of 250 max words

Maximum file size: 10MB

Skills and Competencies

To achieve its goals and meet its fiduciary responsibilities, Council has identified the need for diverse voices on statutory committees, with a blend of skills in leadership, strategy development, governance, and an understanding of the regulatory framework (defined below and available on the College website) under which we operate. The College has identified these skills and competencies as requirements for Committee and Task Force Chairs and Members.

It is not necessary for each member of a Committee or Task Force to have experience in each area.

Demonstrated confidence and good judgment in directing the efforts of others to achieve desired outcomes, while modeling respect, commitment, integrity and accountability.

Understanding of and experience with an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.

Understanding and knowledge of board governance and the roles and responsibilities of board members, usually demonstrated through previous board experience.

Knowledge of regulations and regulatory organizations, including the purpose of regulation, gained from working with legislation, having experience being a part of a regulator, or working in a heavily regulated industry.

The College of Applied Biologists will make reasonable efforts to keep your personal information contained in this form confidential and limited to the Nominations Committee, College Council, the staff, and contractors supporting the work of the Nominations Committee or Council. However, the College may be required to release personal information through a request under the Freedom of Information Act, by court order, or as required by law, including pursuant to the forthcoming Professional Governance Act.


By submitting my application, I affirm that I have answered all questions truthfully in this Nomination Form, and confirm that I have read, understand and, if elected or appointed, will be bound by the duties, responsibilities, requirements and commitments outlined.

By submitting this application, I am formally notifying the College of Applied Biologists that I wish to be considered for a volunteer position.

NB: If you are applying for a chair position, please note that applicants for chairs of the statutory committees must be qualified by using the same merit-based process as nominees for College Board. A resume may be required as part of the application. If you are applying to be a Lay member of a committee, please tick the appropriate box and recall that Lay committee members may not be registrants of the College.