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Catchment Delineation


Dive into the rabbit hole of catchment science and explore why you might want to delineate a catchment, tools to help you delineate a catchment, and what the size of your catchment may mean to your project.

ABWRET-A Blended Course (W25) Offering Online


This course offers invaluable insights, practical tips, and effective strategies to build a solid knowledge base of the Alberta Wetland Rapid Evaluation Tool Actual (ABWRET-A). Ideal for environmental professionals and anyone involved in wetland management and conservation, SALMTEC has designed this course specifically for intermediate learners and Authenticating Wetland Professionals to ensure they gain a...

Grassland Vegetation Inventory (GVI) Blended Course (W25) Offering Online


The Grassland Vegetation Inventory is a land cover and land use classification system for the grasslands. GVI provides an extensive array of natural upland, riparian and wetland classes. Coupled with anthropogenic (modified) land use classes, GVI is a robust system that captures the variety of biophysical land uses in the grasslands.