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Why are dues going up again?

As well as increased demands from the OSPG, ongoing regulatory requirements of the PGA continue to put increased pressure on the College’s capacity to meet its statutory requirements.

These requirements include:

  • Maintaining a fair, transparent and robust Complaints and Discipline process in an environment that has seen the number of complaints double over the past five years
  • Delivering an efficient and rigorous credentialing program that has seen applications increase seven per cent annually since 2019 that could still increase further now that reserved practice has been enabled
  • Supporting effective audit and practice reviews programs to ensure that registrants continue to meet their professional development requirements and maintain high professional standards
  • Implementing a new Practice Guidance program to support registrants proactively with their professional practice

It is important to note that the College is required to meet the same regulatory standard as other regulators under the Act who currently have more capacity.