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Registrant CPD Tracking module launched

The College is pleased to announce the launch of its online continuing professional development (CPD) tracking module. The module is the culmination of more than two years’ work and comes in response to requests from registrants to have the ability to track their CPD throughout the year online and make it available for the audit process. Implementation of the CPD tracking system is also a fulfillment of one of the outcomes under Goal 1: Enhancing Accountability and Transparency in the College’s 2019-2021 Strategic Plan.

Beginning today, registrants will be able to log into their profile through the College’s registrant portal and access the CPD tracking module on their main page:

  • All points, including carry-over points are automatically calculated and carried over for future years
  • Registrants can now start adding their CPD activities for 2021 as the system is designed to allow tracking
  • Registrants can enter CPD activity(ies), and must add a brief description of the activity, and can upload supporting documentation if they wish (e.g. certificate, Resume/CV)
  • The Enter Activities (Section 2) area then allows registrants to add another activity(ies), review, and edit their activities. Registrants can navigate back to Section 2 up until they submit their statement for the year
  • A CPD statement should only be submitted once that CPD year is complete as it cannot be added to or altered once submitted. The CPD year is from January 1 to December 31 each year
  • Registrants will be able to input CPD activities from 2019 and 2020 and submit a CPD statement

As a reminder, Council approved a new CPD program that went into effect January 1, 2021: the 2021 CPD year and future years are based on the CPD Standard and Policy 7 – 100 Continuing Professional Development Program. The 2019 and 2020 CPD categories and points are from Schedule 4 of the College Rules — please refer to the Schedule when entering activities for those years. The CPD tracking will automatically calculate points for 2019 to 2021 despite the differences in CPD categories.

Management of CPD activities in the portal not only establishes a more convenient process for registrants, it also makes the College’s Audit and Practice Review programs more efficient, all of which contribute to the College’s mandate of protecting the public interest.

Finally, the College will be developing an informational webinar on the new CPD tracking module, an hour-long session with time for questions which will take place on June 23, 2021 at 12pm. Please read all upcoming College communications for information about when you can register for this session.

If you do not have access to the CPD tracking module or the registrant portal itself, please contact the College office immediately.