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Land Use Interpretation Seminar


Build your land use analysis skills through imagery interpretation, available spatial datasets, and other tools available on the internet. This one-hour webinar-style tutorial presented by SALMTEC provides an overview of available tools, and tips and tricks on how to use them when summarizing land use changes over time.

Reviewing Technical Reports Seminar


Learn how to critically review technical information. This seminar presented by SALMTEC provides an overview of how to provide a professional review of any document or piece of information, so that you are fair to the author and understand how it can be applied to your work. This course is aimed at anyone that reviews...

Landscape Analysis Seminar


This seminar presented by SALMTEC provides an overview of the history of Western Canada, and how it relates to climate, geology, hydrology, terrain and the formation of soils on current-day landscapes. Learn how to describe regional processes that have helped to shape current day weather, geology, hydrology, terrain and soils.

Biophysical Foundations Blended Course

Hybrid in-person and virtual

This course presented by SALMTEC provides students with a solid foundation for the understanding of the biophysical environment. Starting from the ground up, this course guides students to examine soils and landscape features, creates plant lists, interpret imagery and field maps, classify ecosystems, assess wetland function, and evaluate wildlife habitat. This course combines online and...

GVI Blended Course (W24)

Blended online/offline

GVI, or Grassland Vegetation Inventory, is a biophysical and land use classification system specifically designed by the Government of Alberta (GoA) for the grassland region. This course presented by SALMTEC has four learning modules and consists of online, offline and interactive components.

Hydrology & Wetland Design Seminar


Hydrology & Wetland Design Seminar explores the water cycle of a single ecosystem: wetlands when considering wetland components and designing wetlands. Water inputs, throughputs and outputs, as well as indicators of wetland function and wetland design, are discussed and examples provided. Seminar presented by SALMTEC.

ABWRET-A Blended Course (W24)

Blended online/offline

ABWRET-A, or the Alberta Wetland Rapid Evaluation Tool-Actual is a standardized method for assessing the important natural functions performed by all types of Alberta wetlands using both field and spatial data. SALMTEC has designed this course to provide participants with a strong understanding of the ABWRET-A. This course targets an intermediate audience with some experience working in natural...

Preliminary Wetland Boundary Delineation Seminar


In this seminar, wetland identification and preliminary boundary delineation tools and approaches will be discussed and applied to case studies. Tools include historical air photos, satellite images, contours, digital elevation models, hydrology maps, geology maps, soils and surficial geology maps, as well as climate data, hydrology data, land cover mapping and many other tools! Seminar...

Biophysical Bootcamp

Bragg Creek, AB , Canada

The Biophysical Bootcamp Field Training Course will prepare environmental field staff, of all levels, with crucial field skills that they will need in the upcoming field season. Training includes i) digging and characterizing soil pits, such as colouring, texturing, measuring, attributing, ii) identifying plants and using identification tools, ii) classifying and applying an ecological land classification...

GVI Blended Course

Blended online/offline

GVI, or Grassland Vegetation Inventory, is a biophysical and land use classification system specifically designed by the Government of Alberta (GoA) for the grassland region. This course presented by SALMTEC has four learning modules and consists of online, offline and interactive components.

ABWRET-A Blended Course

Blended online/offline

ABWRET-A, or the Alberta Wetland Rapid Evaluation Tool-Actual is a standardized method for assessing the important natural functions performed by all types of Alberta wetlands using both field and spatial data. SALMTEC has designed this course to provide participants with a strong understanding of the ABWRET-A. This course targets an intermediate audience with some experience working in natural...