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Climate Change and Infrastructure Risk Assessment – the PIEVC Protocol

Asynch and Synch Online

This five-week online course offered by the Climate Risk Institute and delivered by leading infrastructure and resilience experts will provide participants with information about, and practice with the PIEVC Protocol (Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee), a practical tool and process that supports the systematic assessment of the risks of extreme weather and future climate in relation...

Management of Climate Risk for Infrastructure Practitioners

Asynch and Synch Online

This course offered by the Climate Risk Institute and delivered by leading infrastructure and resilience experts addresses the societal importance of risk-based decision making, introduces a diverse set of risk management frameworks, and reviews main principles and definitions underlying risk and, more specifically, public and asset risk management. The course reviews approaches to risk analysis...

Asset Management and Climate Resiliency

Asynch and Synch Online

This course offered by the Climate Risk Institute and delivered by leading infrastructure and resilience experts introduces the fundamentals of asset management. Learners will explore the impacts of climate change on asset lifecycle performance, finding opportunities to improve climate resilience of infrastructure through the asset management process, the role of natural assets and natural asset...

Asset Management and Climate Resiliency

Asynch and Synch Online

This course offered by the Climate Risk Institute and delivered by leading infrastructure and resilience experts introduces the fundamentals of asset management. Learners will explore the impacts of climate change on asset lifecycle performance, finding opportunities to improve climate resilience of infrastructure through the asset management process, the role of natural assets and natural asset...

Management of Climate Risk for Infrastructure Practitioners

Asynch and Synch Online

This course offered by the Climate Risk Institute and delivered by leading infrastructure and resilience experts addresses the societal importance of risk-based decision making, introduces a diverse set of risk management frameworks, and reviews main principles and definitions underlying risk and, more specifically, public and asset risk management. The course reviews approaches to risk analysis...

Climate Law

Asynch and Synch Online

This course offered by the Climate Risk Institute will provide an overview of legal frameworks aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change and discuss existing and emerging legal obligations relevant to infrastructure professionals at the provincial, federal and international level. It will hone in on the roles and responsibilities of infrastructure professionals and how...

Climate Change and Infrastructure Risk Assessment – the PIEVC Protocol

Asynch and Synch Online

This five-week online course offered by the Climate Risk Institute and delivered by leading infrastructure and resilience experts will provide participants with information about, and practice with the PIEVC Protocol (Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee), a practical tool and process that supports the systematic assessment of the risks of extreme weather and future climate in relation...