UPDATED: Important registrant information for 2024 dues collection
Payments of 2024 annual dues will begin in mid-October 2023. Starting this year, the process will be subject to section 50.1 of the Professional Governance Act and section 5-18 of the College bylaws regarding suspension and then cancellation for an administrative non-compliance. This section was added to the bylaws in April 2023.
Please review this communication carefully to ensure that you provide all the information to be in compliance with statutory requirements.

The College will not be doing an increase in registrant dues for 2024.
Submission of CPD statement for 2023
Registrants must submit their 2023 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) statement in order to pay registrant dues for 2024.
- Submission of annual CPD statements is mandatory for all practicing and in training registrants – including those who are registered as on leave
- CPD statements are submitted in a registrant’s profile within the College’s registrant portal
- More information may be found on the CPD Program webpage
The deadline for submitting 2023 CPD statements is December 31, 2023.
Up-to-date Identity Verification
If the identification you submitted to the College to verify your identity has expired, you will need to submit a new government issued identification that includes your full name, birth date, and an expiry date.
An up-to-date identity verification is required in order to pay annual dues. Information on the purpose of identity verification and protection of your personal privacy may be found here.
New areas of practice list will be available for 2024 dues submission
The College Board has approved a new areas of practice list. Registrants must self-declare their areas of practice from the new list.
- View the updated list of areas of practice
- Registrants’ areas of practice are included on the College’s public register
- The new list was developed by the Areas of Practice Task Force to better align with the Professional Governance Act and the Applied Biologists Regulation. Registrants were consulted during development of the new list.
Complete mandatory training courses in order to register for 2024
Registrants who have been selected to do the mandatory training courses must complete these courses as a condition of their registration in 2024. Registrants who were selected to complete the training in 2023 received an advisory in March 2023 and a reminder in September 2023.
Please note that any registrants who have not yet been selected to complete the courses will be selected to complete the courses in 2024. Registrants can voluntarily complete the mandatory training courses at any time by registering for them via the registrant portal.
What to know about administrative non-compliance
A registrant can have their registration suspended and then cancelled according to section 50.1 of the Professional Governance Act and section 5-18 of the College bylaws for not complying with the following mandatory requirements of the College Bylaws sections 12-1, 7-2, 8-4 and 8-5:
- Not paying annual registration dues by December 31 (section 12-1); or
- Not complying with the CPD, Audit or Practice Review Program requirements. This includes submitting annual CPD records by end of year (December 31).
- Not completing any mandatory training as assigned by the College Board (section 5-15 (1)(c))
Any questions regarding registration and compliance can be sent to registrar_office@cab-bc.org.