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RBTech Form - ASAT

Education and Training

Communications: Do you have a communication course? ex. English composition, technical writing, scientific writing *
Numeracy (mathematics or statistics): Do you have a course in Mathematics or Statistics? *
Field or Laboratory Techniques: Do you have a course in Field Techniques or Laboratory Techniques? *
Applied Biology & Management: Do you have a 2nd year or higher level (or equivalent) Applied Biology & Management Course? E.g., Conservation Biology, Environmental Biology, Wildlife Management, Fisheries Management, Range Management, Natural Resource Policy, or Landscape Ecology *
Environmental Science: Do you have a course in Environmental Science? E.g., fish and wildlife ecology, environmental legislation and policy, earth science, soils, hydrology, climatology *
A total of 20 courses or higher that include the above courses


Experience Requirements

Applicants with a diploma or degree must have a minimum of two years of experience in applied biology in the 10 years prior to application. Up to one year of experience may be pre-graduation.

If you do not have a degree or diploma, you must have a minimum of three years of experience in applied biology in the 10 years prior to application.

Do you have either: (1) a diploma or degree, and a minimum of two years of work experience in applied biology in the 10 years prior to application, with a maximum of one year of experience obtained pre-graduation, or (2) a minimum of three years of work experience in applied biology within the last 10 years?

Professional Practice Competencies

RBTechs need to have at least one (1) example of a key indicator in each of the following seven (7) Professional Practice Competencies that you can explain in detail how you meet a key indicator through descriptions of your activities, knowledge, experience etc., and that can be verified by a reference.

Scientific Concepts and Knowledge: Be aware of and have experience with scientific concepts, knowledge, and implementation. Key Indicators:
Laws, Regulations & Policies: The capability to interpret and understand the intent of legally binding requirements and policy. Key Indicators:
Standards and Practices: Understands the standards and practices and has the ability required to perform or practice applied biology. Key Indicators:
Project and/or Work Product Management: Experience in the discipline of planning, organizing or managing resources to bring about the successful completion of a specific project or work product. Key Indicators:
Records/Data Management and Informatics: Demonstrated ability to conduct the systematic control of creating, distributing, using, maintaining integrity, confidentiality, security and disposing of recorded information maintained as evidence of business activities and transactions. Key Indicators:
Professional Accountability: Performing the duties of one’s profession generally, or performing a particular professional task in a professional manner. Key Indicators:
Communication: Respectfully and effectively conveys information and expresses thoughts and facts and displays openness to other people’s ideas and thoughts. Key Indicators:

Competency-based referee (references)

The College requires 2 references.

Do you have 2 references that:*

  • are knowledgeable about your professional experience as a biologist,
  • can speak to your professional practice competencies, and
  • are not related to you unless the relative is a supervising professional?
Do you have 2 references: *

Professional Work Products

You must submit a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 professional work product examples.

Between the professional work products, they must include the following:*

  • Methods
  • Data analysis within established standards, parameters or guidelines
  • Conclusions or recommendations
  • Communicates technical scientific information to a non-expert audience
I meet the requirements above

Between the professional work products, you must be able to explain how they meet 1 key indicator from each of the following professional practice competencies:

  • Scientific knowledge and concepts
  • Laws, regulations and policy
  • Standards and practices
  • Communication
I meet the requirements above

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